Nestled in the heart of Nevada City, CA, Enchanted Botanicals is your sanctuary for sourcing handcrafted botanical creations like, intention candles, bath salts, and spiritual wellness services. Each of our creations is lovingly crafted with herbs sourced from our garden, each infused with enchanted prayers and intentions to support you on your healing journey.

Enchanted Candles & Bath Salts:

Candles and bath crystals are handcrafted individually just for you. Each candle is made with beeswax, organic herbs, and flowers from our garden and infused with magical organic oils.

Each candle and set of bath crystals has been dressed, blessed, and prayed over with pure loving intentions. Now, it's your turn to imbue them with your own breath and intent by speaking your words and prayers.

Pray to your Higher Power, your Ancestors, your Guides with an open and sincere heart. Personalize the experience – in life, we all seek divine spiritual help and guidance.

You are a being of divine light, love, and protection.

You are manifesting all your wildest dreams. Pay attention to the flame, for it has much to say.

Spiritual “Limpias” (Cleansing) Rituals

A "limpia" is a traditional spiritual cleansing ritual from Mexico that helps clear away negative energies and thoughts from your body, mind, emotions, and soul. Following a limpia, you may feel a renewed sense of lightness, peace, and joy, and it can also deepen your connection to the spiritual world. I prepare a personalized ceremony just for you, which includes a plan for the ritual, a herbal formula made just for your needs, and an extra session afterward to give you more support following your ceremony.

Limpias are done in- person at Loot and Lore in Grass Valley, CA Every Tuesday from 12 -5 p.m.

Get In Touch

We’re so excited to share our enchanted creations with our community. To request a custom product order, limpia session or if you are a business who is interested in carrying our products, please fill out our form and we will be in touch shortly.